Ben Sidran tours the Midwest, again
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR On the phone this week from his home in Madison, Wisc., Ben Sidran discussed some of his ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR On the phone this week from his home in Madison, Wisc., Ben Sidran discussed some of his ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Ben Sidran’s upcoming shows at Crooners Lounge and Supper Club in Fridley are being billed as his ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR It is a great mitzva to always be happy. — Nachman of Breslov Jazzman and music scholar Ben ...
Ben Sidran returns to the Dakota Jazz Club, where he and his son, Leo, will play with local luminaries Billy ...
Ben Sidran returns to Minneapolis on Aug. 29, for his annual gig at the Dakota Jazz Club By MORDECAI SPECKTOR ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR It’s hard to imagine American popular song without the contributions of Jewish composers and lyricists. Names like ...
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