Editorial: Trump and his Christian nationalist supporters
While driving in the car, I like to listen to podcasts. One in my regular rotation is “The Influence Continuum,” ...
While driving in the car, I like to listen to podcasts. One in my regular rotation is “The Influence Continuum,” ...
In the Feb. 27 edition of The New Yorker, Ruth Margalit, a former member of the magazine’s editorial staff, profiled ...
By BEN SALES (JTA) — A new documentary featuring experts on anti-Semitism, as well as former President Bill Clinton, examines ...
By CHARLES DUNST (JTA) — It has become a staple of his stump speeches to audiences in Israel and abroad: ...
After Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz party won Hungary’s 2014 parliamentary elections, they erected a “Memorial to the Victims of ...
By CNAAN LIPHSHIZ (JTA) -- The extremist Jobbik party may have come up short in Sunday's election in Hungary, but ...
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