Larry Gopnik’s car from ‘A Serious Man’ will be auctioned for Variety: The Children’s Charity
Larry Gopnik's 1966 Dodge Coronet, from the Coen brothers' film A Serious Man, will be auctioned online to benefit Variety ...
Larry Gopnik's 1966 Dodge Coronet, from the Coen brothers' film A Serious Man, will be auctioned online to benefit Variety ...
Focus Features, the distributor of A Serious Man, have put up a Web site devoted to varied aspects of the ...
The new film from St. Louis Park natives Joel and Ethan Coen explores life’s most fundamental questions (Editor’s Note: This ...
Writing in Haaretz, Uzi Silber says that the new Coen brothers film is tone deaf in the Jewish department, and ...
A Serious Man brings the renowned Coen brothers back to their peculiar Jewish milieu of St. Louis Park By MORDECAI ...
Amy Landecker stars as Mrs. Samsky, shown here with Michael Stuhlbarg, who plays protagonist Larry Gopnik, in writer/directors Joel and ...
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