Speed bump or momentum killer? Bloomberg takes a beating in his debate debut.
By PHILISSA CRAMER (JTA) — It was a rough welcome for Mike Bloomberg. The one-time Republican took a beating Wednesday night ...
By PHILISSA CRAMER (JTA) — It was a rough welcome for Mike Bloomberg. The one-time Republican took a beating Wednesday night ...
By RON KAMPEAS WASHINGTON (JTA) — Bernie Sanders and Mike Bloomberg have much in common besides running for the Democratic ...
WASHINGTON (JTA) — What a year 2019 has been for, well, everyone, but especially for watchers of Jewish politics — ...
WASHINGTON (JTA) — Ilhan Omar, who once called Israel an "apartheid regime," but who more recently came out against the ...
By RON KAMPEAS WASHINGTON (JTA) — Natalie Portman's statement explaining why she declined to attend an award ceremony in Israel ...
Tina Liebling, a lawmaker from Rochester, is campaigning for governor on a Bernie Sanders-type populist platform By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Minnesota ...
By RON KAMPEAS WASHINGTON (JTA) — The combative tone in Bernie Sanders’ campaign statements faded on Tuesday evening to a ...
Simone Zimmerman’s appointment is either a deeply flawed choice or the perfect hire, depending on your political views By URIEL ...
The Democratic caucus will take place on Saturday — a problem for Sabbath-observing Jews; Republicans will caucus next Tuesday By ...
Let’s travel back to a perilous day in our country’s history: Dec. 5, 2008. Unbeknownst to the public, or to ...
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