Sabes and St. Paul JCCs combine into Minnesota JCC
By ADRIAN GLASS-MOORE / Assistant Editor The Sabes JCC in St. Louis Park and the St. Paul JCC have joined ...
By ADRIAN GLASS-MOORE / Assistant Editor The Sabes JCC in St. Louis Park and the St. Paul JCC have joined ...
By ADRIAN GLASS-MOORE / Assistant Editor Minnesota rabbis are urging people to stay home for Passover seder this year in ...
By DORIS RUBENSTEIN It started back in the mists of time — at least by Minnesota history standards. JHSUM Annual ...
Capp, who gave the founding gift to build the St. Paul JCC, died at the age of 99 By ERIN ...
They went for the gold! Twenty-seven local athletes headed to the JCC Maccabi Games, an Olympic-style competition for Jewish teens, ...
AJW Staff Report After conducting a national search, the board of directors of the St. Paul JCC has announced its ...
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