Jewish community joins the fight against hunger
While Minnesota lawmakers failed to pass MAZON-sponsored legislation to close the lunch and achievement gap for students, local advocates continue ...
While Minnesota lawmakers failed to pass MAZON-sponsored legislation to close the lunch and achievement gap for students, local advocates continue ...
Leaders from 15 local religious organizations will eat on the average weekly food-stamp allowance to raise awareness of hunger and ...
Participants in the 10-week Hazon Cross-USA Ride are promoting cycling, Judaism and healthy living By CHARLOTTE ANTHONY and DEBRA RUBIN ...
Since 1912 the AJW has served as an important news resource for the Jewish community. The Jewish World unites the main Jewish communities in St. Paul and Minneapolis, as well as those in Duluth, Rochester and smaller cities, and bridges the divides between the various Jewish religious streams.
The American Jewish World
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Minneapolis, MN 55408
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