Nora Krug, who was raised in Karlsruhe, Germany, several decades after the Holocaust, has created an intriguing graphic memoir, Belonging:...
For his new album, Ask for Chaos (Hexophonic Music/Motéma), jazz guitarist Gilad Hekselman, an Israeli native living in New York City...
As a fan of the comedy series Man Seeking Woman, one of the most wildly inventive TV shows ever, I...
Bye Bye Germany, an entertaining film that had a brief theatrical run in May at the Lagoon Cinema, is now...
As noted in Hitler’s Hollywood, a fascinating documentary by Rüdiger Suchsland, the Third Reich’s “primary means of communication with the...
The opening track on Bridges (Sunnyside Records), the new album from the hugely talented Jamie Baum Septet+ is titled “From the...
After a decade of studying and performing in the U.S., Tel Aviv native Noam Wiesenberg has released his debut album,...
The cover photo of The Oxford Illustrated History of the Third Reich (Oxford University Press) depicts Hitler on his “art trip”...
In Between, director Maysaloun Hamoud's debut feature film, explores the lives of three Palestinian women living in Tel Aviv. Laila...
Organist Larry Goldings, guitarist Peter Bernstein and drummer Bill Stewart have been recording together since 1991. Their musical telepathy is...
Since 1912 the AJW has served as an important news resource for the Jewish community. The Jewish World unites the main Jewish communities in St. Paul and Minneapolis, as well as those in Duluth, Rochester and smaller cities, and bridges the divides between the various Jewish religious streams.
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